· Prayer Request- The students and parents of the class of 2025 are currently in Cosby, TN serving at the Sunset Gap Mission. Please be prayerful for all, as we serve those in need in the community as well as relationships to be strengthen and the Lord to be Glorified in all that is done!
· There are 2 Bluffton North Converts-
o Bisarjan Poudel (Besu) from Nepal is actively seeking membership at Bluffton North. Baptized in 2008 at Emanuel Church in Nepal, he has faithfully served God and his fellow believers ever since. Since arriving in the U.S., Bisu has been attending the Apostolic Christian Church—first in Altadena and now in Bluffton North, where he has been worshiping since his move in October.
o Nick Bright has been fellowshipping with Bluffton North for a number of months. He has made a beginning in the Lord through repentance and desires to be a member at Bluffton North Let’s encourage him as he begins this path of life.
· We would like to thank our church family and friends for your deeds of kindness shown to us during the illness and passing of our dear mom. We appreciate the cards, gifts, visits, calls, text messages, and most of all your prayers during this difficult time. It’s going to leave a huge hole in our family but we’re so thankful she has won the race and is in her heavenly home. Your continued prayers for our family would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, and God Bless each of you. The Mary Gerber Family: Deb, Larry, and family; Al, Joli, and family: Cheryl, Rex, and family; and Cindy
· The April Kate’s Kitchen food list is posted on the bulletin board. Sincere thanks for your continued support.
· SOS will be held on Wednesday March 26th at 6:45pm at Kingdom Academy with all high school students. If anyone is willing to help with snacks please use the following link to sign up or contact Jackie Pulver (219) 204-6568. Thanks.
· The New Beginnings Class will be meeting next Sunday morning, March 30th, at the Fellowship Hall. We will be meeting at 8:45 a.m.
· The BC Easter Song Practice Schedule is attached. 2nd-8th grades have practice next Sunday at church and the HS have practice next Sunday at the FH.
· Cemetery Spring Cleanup- The cemetery committee is asking that all unsightly, faded or weathered flowers be removed by the family. This includes winter decorations, tripods & grave blankets. Please remove anything that would inhibit mowing and make our cemetery easier to maintain by April 1st. Thank you.
· All Hands on Deck! It's time for church cleaning. April 7 at 6:00 pm. Please bring step ladders, step stools, buckets, rags, and sweepers with or without attachments. Trustees ask that all children, 12 and under, work alongside their parents. We have too many people on ladders to leave children unsupervised. Please look through LOST AND FOUND items in the dining room foyer. Items from Fellowship Hall included. Please remove all personal items from coat racks and baby rooms prior to April 1st. Anything not taken home will go to the LOST AND FOUND tables. Thank you for your support. Trustees
· It is time to register for Bible School. Register online at: www.blufftonacvbs.com Deadline is April 13.
Order T-Shirts online at: apostolicvbs2025.itemorder.com **Please pass this information along to anyone who may want to attend or who has attended in previous years.
Serving lunch today: Don & Suzie Fiechter and Jason & Tianne Tonner
Please pray for this family living abroad: Nathan & Rachel Mueller
Bluffton Bible Cast: Listen here.
Intercessory Prayer Opportunity:
Apostolic Christian Church